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HS: Dave Navarro is in Jane's Addiction, everyone's excited about seeing them at the.. Dysfunctional Family Picnic, also Dave Navarro's been in... let's see. He's been in uh.. Red Hot Chili Peppers and.. the guys got an amazing background actually. I think he used to model or something. There he is, Gary's hot for you Dave, he's a good looking guy. Gary, Gary wants you. How ya doing Dave?
Robyn: What do you think of him? Can we hook something up?
HS: What's it like to be so good-looking that Gary Dellabate says that you're a really good-looking guy?
DN: It's a little scary.
HS: It's a little scary is right.
Gary: I meant it from the position of if I could be him for a weekend, and look like him, I could do so much damage. And, ya know, to women. I mean look..
Robyn: Sure, sure, sure. Try to clean it up now. Hi.
HS: Have you damaged women?
DN: Have I damaged 'em?
Gary: I mean if, I could, I could get tons and tons of women lookling like that. He gets tons of women.
HS: He gets tons of women.
Gary: He does, right, he's the guy that doesn't have to work. Have you ever had to work to get your..
DN: You know, the truth is, I've always been kind've a relationship guy.
Gary: But have you ever had to work to get a woman or do women just find you?
DN: It's all work. It's always work, thats the misbelief, the misperseption a lot of people have.
HS: Can I ask you something though? When you're in a rock band, especially... you're in two of the most successful rock bands, I guess in alternative rock history, and when you go on stage aren't there tons of chicks, I mean I can't imagine you having to work now at getting girls.
DN: Well, the thing about that is that I kind've ignore that, there was a time, ya know, 'cause when I started with Jane's i was like 17 years old and there was a time that was really exciting to me...
Robyn: 17?
DN: Yeah.
Robyn: Wow.
HS: I didn't know that.
DN: Yeah, yeah. And so when I was younger that was really exciting to me, like the whole like, rock/chick world and everything. And, as I've gotten older, it just, I've come to realize that their perception, is always inaccurate, and to like, to like feed off somebody's misperception of you, and like take advantage of that is, it kinda leads nowhere.
HS: But, the latest girlfriend I've read is Carmen Electra. You're with her now?
DN: Yeah.
HS: And, that to me is like the ultimate rock-chick though, right? Isn't she kind've, I mean she's flashy, she looks great on your arm...
DN: Oh yeah.
HS: But this is a relationship, you're not screwing around with anyone else.
DN: No, absolutely not.
HS: Really?
DN: Yeah, absolutely not.
HS: She says you're her soulmate.
DN: She does?
HS: That's what she said in an interview.
DN: That's awesome. Yeah, I mean, so far so good.
HS: Really?
DN: I believe that, yeah.
HS: Are you intimidated by the fact that she was with Dennis Rodman? Does that freak you out at all?
DN: Not at all, you know...
Robyn: Fred Durst? [laughing]
HS: That freaks you out, that freaks you out.
DN: No, I mean the truth of the matter is... here's where I'm coming from, as far as that, her past goes, ya know I...
Robyn: You have a past.
DN: There's something going on here...
HS: What, what do you see?
DN: I don't know.
Robyn: Scott is very scary.
HS: Scott's worshipping you, that guy crawling around on the ground is a big fan of yours and he just wants to worship you.
DN: You know, the truth is she has a past, I have a past, and ultimately, those pasts are responsible for who we are today. And I fell in love with the girl she is today...
HS: You are in love with Carmen Electra?
DN: Absolutely.
Robyn: When did you know you were in love?
DN: God, you know what, the minute she walked in.
Robyn: Is that right?
DN: Absolutely. Yeah.
HS: No kidding?
DN: It was intense.
HS: I know that feeling, I mean I've been in rooms with her. And I have fallen in love with her as well.
DN: Absolutely. Yeah.
HS: It does happen.
DN: It really, it was one of those things, I mean we kinda got set up...
HS: Who set ya up?
DN: A mutual friend named Taylor.
HS: Taylor? A girl?
DN: A girl.
HS: By the way, she's a very nice girl Carmen Electra, I've spoken to her several times outside of the radio show and I believe she is a very sensitive girl.
DN: Yeah, she really is.
HS: I mean, aside from being beautiful..
DN: I know, I mean that just happens to be the perk, ya know what I mean? It's just, she's a really sensitive, beautiful person and ultimately I wouldn't wanna be with anyone else that didn't have those qualities.
HS: How do you guys see each other? I mean you're on tour all the time with someone or another...
DN: Yeah, it's pretty hard... cause she's always shooting movies and I'm doing this or that, a lot of times I'll just fly out to where she is if I've got days off and she does the same and...
Robyn: When was the last time you saw her?
DN: A couple days ago, in L.A.
HS: I'd like to get my hands on that myself..
Robyn: You're not flying anywhere though.
HS: I'm not flying for anybody. I don't care. I get a free day off I'm sitting home. I don't care who the girl is. Oh, Carmen Electra, I might get on a plane, I may, I'd probably get on a plane, that's true. You are an amazing guy, I applaud you, in fact people always say to me, 'Who are people that you think have gone through adversity?', and risen and all that. You're one of those people to me. I don't even know how, as a child, that you were able to concentrate on guitar, and play the guitar, with your background. Do you know anything about Dave Navarro's background?
Robyn: No, I do not.
HS: You, if I can bring up some of your tragedies, without this turning into a telethon, your mother was killed, at an early age by a guy who raised you.
DN: Well, see that's the... you know what? Did that come from the Spin article?
HS: I think.. we kinda researched everywhere.
DN: OK, so.. it was a guy who she was dating and I wouldn't say he raised me, I think that that got lost in translation..
Robyn: He just happened to be living with you at the time?
DN: And truthfully, truth be told, he was.. I did trust the guy, and I was close to him.
HS: And why not? I mean, you have two options..
Robyn: How young are we talking?
DN: I was 15.
HS: 15 years old his mother was taken away from him, you're parents were divorced...
Robyn: But it was a violent kinda thing?
HS: Yeah, your mom was murdered.. and your mom was this beautiful woman who was on the Price is Right, she was doing well.
DN: Yeah, she was, actually my mother and my aunt, who happened to be there..
HS: And they were raped and murdered by this one guy..
DN: Yeah.
HS: And the guy got away with it for like 10 years, but the freaky thing is that a TV show..
DN & Robyn: America's Most Wanted..
HS: Got the guy. Cause you knew who did it..
DN: Oh yeah
HS: The guy threatened you, and at gunpoint told you never open your mouth.
DN: Right.
HS: How did you know who did it? How did you know he was the guy who killed your mom?
DN: Well I kinda put 2 and 2 together, I mean I had a gun to my head a week earlier...
HS: Oh, I didn't know that
DN: So, there was a point where he had broken into the house, and held me up and handcuffed me and basically got pretty violent, and then, let me go.
HS: Who is this guy?
Robyn: I mean, were they broken up at the time all this was..
DN: Yeah
HS: He was so in love with her that if he couldn't have her, no one else could.
DN: I, yeah. That's what you would think. I mean, there's no logical explination for something like that, but I mean I think that in that irrational thinking that's what was going on.
HS: The guys locked up in prison now?
DN: Yeah.
HS: Have you ever been able to say to this guy, 'why'd you take my mom from me?'
DN: No. No, I don't think that any answer he could give me to that..
HS: Is going to be satisfying to you?
DN: Yeah, that is going to be satisfactory.
HS: People do feel if they get to confront the dude, atleast say, 'tell me what the hell was going on', sometimes is sortve closure.
Robyn: But a lot of times people think if they get that apology or they get, you know, they're left empty because the person is still not there and the explination is worthless.
DN: Right.
HS: Did guitar save you? Were you like one of those kids who sat in his room and played guitar when all this happened?
DN: Yeah, I mean, the thing was that I kinda, ya know, when you're that age, for me, you don't know where to go with that kinda stuff. And, ya don't know who to talk to, you kinda don't even have the dialogue to talk to anybody about that kinda thing, I mean, it's just so overwhealming. And so, I just kind've turned to music as being the way to express what was, cause I didnt even know what was going on inside.
HS: A very special Howard Stern... get that music off! How cruel Fred!
DN: ...I turned to music...
HS: Now wait a second, is that when you started playing?
DN: I started at 11 so I kind've had thatas an avenue, you know what I mean?
HS: Yeah, because to me, to come back from something like that after your mom is killed, your aunt, I mean, it's just like your whole family, and I guess your dad was distant..
Robyn: Do you have brothers and sisters?
DN: No, no..
Robyn: Good lord..
DN: No, my dad was there, he loved this woman and so we were both kind've like..
HS: Devestated..
DN: Yeah, we were both devestated, and..
HS: Was your whole life up route in the sense also that you had to move and..
Robyn: Yeah, where'd ya go?
DN: Well, my parents were divorced and I was living with my mother, and I ended up just moving in with my dad, it was in the same city, and the wierd thing about it, and a connection I made years and years later, which was, I used to spend Wednesday evenings with my dad. And for some reason, he couldn't see me one Wendesday, and he saw me on a Thursday instead. And thats when this happened.
Robyn: You could've been there...
DN: And I was, yeah, if that little chance didn't happen I probably would've gotten killed too.
HS: If you hadn't gone to visit your father.
DN: So I kind've believed that, and its unfortunate that it's taken me years and I had to create much more trauma, in order to get to this place somehow you know?
HS: Cause you went, and understandably, you went like crazy from this. And I understand that the drugs and all that kind've stuff..
Robyn: That's when you got all that writing on your arms?
HS: You got a lot of tattoos.
Robyn: Look at his elbows even.
HS: Let me see what ya got. Oh yeah, you got a lot of tattoos. But you can't be in the Red Hot Chili Peppers without tattoos. Cause everybody's got em.
DN: It's mandatory. I'll tell ya something about the drugs and all that stuff, and I appreciate you suggesting understandably, I went to that. At the same time though, I can confirm that there was part of me that used that traum as an excuse to pretty much get out of whatever I wanted.
HS: So you said, 'I'm allowed to do drugs cause my mom was killed.'
DN: Yeah, and whatever else you know. Aww, aww, poor me, I've had this horrible thing and like, you can excuse this, you can excuse that, it took a lot of damage you know, inflicted upon myself..
HS: I'll say, I was reading some of the stuff that, I mean I don't know where we got all this stuff, maybe some of it's not true, you tell me ok. Dave has attempted suicide, understandably. What did you do there?
DN: I have been suicidal, and you know what, the truth is about that, I think I've been more vocally suicidal than..
Robyn: You didn't actually attempt anything?
DN: I think that was more about the back of the hand, the back of the wrist and the forehead type of stuff.
HS: Yeah, right. And what'd you do? I mean what'd ya do..
DN: It was just like drug stuff.
HS: OD's and that kinda stuff.
Robyn: That could've been accidents..
DN: Yeah.
HS: They also said that, oh yeah, your Heroin addiction got so bad you had sores on your face that exploded so bad no one would go near you?
DN: [laughing] Yeah.
HS: I mean here you are, you're such a great-looking guy and everything..
Robyn: I wonder why cause his skin looks perfect, how do people come back to that?
HS: Yeah, how do you come back, why don't you have any scars or anything on your face? Why are you so lucky?
DN: Ya know what, I have no idea. I don't, but I feel totally blessed and lucky to come back from something like that. And ya know what? If anything else, and I hate to sit her and sound like arrogant and like, I've got some message for somebody, but the truth of the matter is I was pretty bad. And its possible to come back.
HS: If you came back, anybody could.
DN: I hate to say that because that implies I'm as bad as it gets, but I was pretty bad and I've discovered that life is a beautiful thing.
Robyn: That's what I wanted to ask, how bad did you consider yourself, like near death at any point?
DN: Yeah. I mean there were times that I thought I couldn't come back.
HS: You modeled for a bunch of years too you're so good looking, didn't you?
DN: My friend Anna Swi, who is a designer, asked me to do some runway. That was the most horryfying..
Robyn: You did runway?
DN: Yeah..
HS: Did you really?
DN: Yeah, I'm 5'9" ya know..
HS: And you went down the runway and walked down in clothes and stuff? Really?
DN: [laughing] Yeah. Never again, its the scariest thing in the world.
HS: That's not you.
DN: No.
HS: And it is intimidating, right? To walk down there and have people evaluate you.
DN: Yeah, because her thing was like, you play guitar and you should be comfortable in front of people and I was like 'yeah, I guess I should be,' and it wasn't until I was halfway down the runway till I realised, 'Wait a minute, but when I'm playing guitar I'm doing something,'
HS: Right, like you have a purpose there
Robyn: All of a sudden you don't even know how to walk.
DN: Now I'm just walking, being judged, because people aren't looking at the clothes, lets be honest, and because I've got Naomi Campbell and this chick and that chick..
HS: Towering over you
DN: I've got heels like this that I've never walked in
HS: Yeah, that isn't you
DN: No..
HS: Well, everyone's excited about the Disfunctional Family Picnic here in New York that Jane's Addiction is playing, and all that. It's gonna be great, I can't wait to see you guys. But why, for so many years, did you and Perry Farrell hate each other so much that you had to beat him up on stage at one point? I'll never understand that, I mean you have respect for Perry...
DN: I love the guy.
HS: Yeah, he's great. He's a brilliant musician, why did it get so back that you actually punched him in the face and broke his nose? On stage, why is that?
DN: [laughing] Well, first of all, I'm going to let that one go. I didn't actually punch him in the face or break his nose, but I like how it sounds.
HS: But you did use to fist fight and stuff?
Robyn: It's a great story..
DN: It's a great story. Ya know, we did have fights and I think, that was back in the '90s and we were both much younger and..
HS: Very much higher
DN: And very much higher, and I think that particular instance you're talking about, I'm prepared to take full responsibility for.
HS: What happened?
DN: Who knows, you know what I mean?...
HS: Is there so much anger between you guys that... Perry's a difficult guy to deal with though cause he's so eccentric that I imagine getting through to him is difficult.
DN: You know what, he is really eccentric, and thats part of his brilliance, and thats part of the reason why I trust him. And so, one of the things that's beautiful about being in Jane's Addiction and doing my own thing, I really trust his vision, I trust his creativity and his eccentricities I suppose, and so getting through to him isn't, now that I'm doing my own thing, isn't really part of the equation.
HS: But how do you get to be in the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Jane's Addiction at the same time? I don't understand how that works. In other words, doesn't Red Hot Chili Peppers need you?
DN: No, well they have John Frusciante back.
HS: Oh, you're not in there at all? You're not touring with them, you're not doing anything with them?
DN: No.
HS: Why did you leave them?
DN: Well, Flea played with Jane's Addiction the past couple of shows, and he was also a member of Jane's Addiction when we did the last reunion tour. And why did I leave? Ya know, we made a record together and I think that after the cycle, the touring cycle, and the process of recording, that we kind've just came to the conclusion that we're coming from different musical places. And its kind've evident if you hear that record. I mean, I'm proud of the record, is this thing popping as much as I think it is?
HS: No, no, you sound good. It's from all the heroin.
[everybody laughing]
HS: I think what you're saying is you had problems with Flea.
DN: Exactly.
HS: I think that's what it is. Cause he's a difficult guy, he's a tough guy. I don't mean he's a jerk, but maybe he's a difficult guy, all these guys are.
DN: No they're not, actually those guys taught me more about friendship and trust and brotherhood...
HS: Oh yeah?
Robyn: You're acting like Dave's such a little sweetheart, he could be a problem.
HS: Dave seems very rational. He does.
Robyn: [laughing] He could be a problem.
DN: No, we just looked at the record and looked at what we were doing, we were just coming from different musical places.
Robyn: And there's no animosity or anything, it wasn't a bad break.
HS: What is it Gary?
Gary: Can I tell ya something about Flea? I met him once, and I spoke to him for about 10 minutes, nice guy and everything, maybe it was just that night, I've never smelled anyone worse in my entire life.
HS: Really? Does he not shower a lot?
DN: No, was it at a show?
Gary: No, it was at the MTV Awards, he was just...
DN: Oh that explains it.
HS: Is that what it is, at the MTV Awards everyone tries to stink? That explains it.
HS: So you don't just leave the Red Hot Chili Peppers, it's gotta be a falling out, because that band's too successful to just leave. There's big bucks in that.
DN: I mean at the time I was doing Jane's Addiction and I also started to work on this record.
HS: On your solo record?
DN: Yeah.
HS: Right, which I want to talk about with you, but I'm still trying to understand everything here. So you've been through divorce, you've been through all that kind've stuff, and, I don't know, you must date like tons of women and stuff, and then, Carmen Electra and you are set up on a date? Now how can that be normal when you two go out?
Robyn: Where do you go?
HS: Like you meet her, it's set up on a blind date, literally a blind date, I mean she's seen you and you've seen her, but..
DN: We've never met, right.
HS: You've never met. So you call her up and say 'hey, my friends were telling me,' what's the mood here?
Robyn: Or did they set you up like you're all going to some place together? Or, what happened?
HS: Yeah, I wanna go through that, very romantic. I need to live your life a little bit with you.
DN: It is romantic, ya know, I actually got a call about a year ago, from a friend who said 'ya know, my friend Carmen wants to meet you,' and at that time I wasn't in a place to like, meet anybody, I was kind've at the end of a relationship and like i said, the truth is that I've been kind've relationship guy for years, I mean my last relationship was for 4 years, prior to this.
HS: Hot chick?
DN: Oh yeah.
HS: Who is this one?
DN: Her name was Monet. She's an actress.
HS: Actress? Monet...
DN: She is beautiful.
HS: Ovay, that rhymes with Ovay, Monet
DN: We got something there.
HS: So you went out with Monet?
DN: Yeah, for about 4 years, 4 and a half years.
HS: Thats enough, believe me thats fine. That's perfect.
Robyn: Cause Monet can wear off on ya after a while.
HS: Exactly. Carmen is fun. So ok, you and Monet had a falling out?
DN: Yeah, but what I'm saying is like, I've never been like the dating guy..
HS: Right, Monet wanted to get married and you didn't.
DN: Not necessarily, that was like the Chili Peppers, it was like an amblical blow...
HS: Its over, right, so for a years, I love romance, I think someone should make a movie outta this, I love romance. So in other words, you, ya know here you are famous rock artist but still lonely.
Robyn: And Carmen sees you and decides, 'I want to meet him.'
HS: Yeah, no girls wanna meet me. Go ahead Dave.
DN: And the truth was that, I just wasn't ready...
HS: You were not ready for Carmen Electra? That's a great move, go ahead.
Robyn: Do you know, that for a year, she's sitting there and going 'what's wrong with me?'
HS: I love that you turned her down. That's beautiful.
DN: It wasn't so much turning her down...
HS: Turning down anybody. You needed to discover something about yourself, but I can't figure out what that is.
DN: So about a year later, I got a similar call, and I think that what ended up happening was that she was with a mutual friend and my name came up, and I think this friend of ours, called me without her consent, and kind've set this thing up, so she was like 'no, I tried a year ago and he didn't..'
HS: So in other words, you went out with a group of people
DN: Yeah, that was the worst part about it.
HS: Yeah, that's weird because everyone's watching to see if you hit it off.
DN: Exactly. So I was sitting there, going, 'yeah, let me call her' and she was like 'well, no, we should set something up, dinner at this place..'
HS: So it was four of you?
DN: I think there was five. It was me, and four other girls.
HS: Four girls? You meet with four other girls?
DN: Yeah, and I gotta walk in to that.
HS: That looks a little weird doesn't it? Although I can't say there's a guy in my audience that isn't jealous about that.
DN: It was weird.
Robyn: Everybody else was envious with you, you might've felt a little weird..
DN: It was so awkward.
HS: So wait, you walk in, and Carmen is a great dresser, was she wearing her little pink outfit with the pink shoes? And her anklets? What was she wearing?
DN: You're going to crucify me for saying this, I was so blown away by her eyes, that I have no idea what she was wearing.
HS: Ok, thats a liar right there, but go ahead. But thats a nice thing to say. So she walks in..
DN: I got there early of course, I'm just sitting there drinking diet cokes and coffee and I'm shaking, and..
Robyn: You get nervous?
DN: Yeah..
HS: Please... that's sweet. You're saying all the right things girls love to hear. Go ahead. They walk in, the chicks walk in,
DN: There's three of them sitting at the table with me asking me 'are you cool, are ya nervous, do ya need anything?' And, Carmen walks in with her friend, and I see her, and that's, when you asked when did I develope feelings for her, it was like at that moment.
HS: You were physically attracted.
DN: Yeah, I mean that's a given, but there was something literally in her eyes..
HS: Ya liked her.
DN: Yeah. And I melted. It was intense. So she sat down, and we're sitting next to each other and it was just us looking at each other, trying to converse, and three other girls just watching.
HS: Aren't you glad you never committed suicide? What a life. Holy macryl. Look at what you would've missed out on. How dare you. So really, the three other chicks are watching this all develope.
Robyn: How do you have a conversation?
HS: You zero in, right? Ya gotta do what a guy gotta do.
DN: You focus, and my thing was, since it was a little uncomfortable, and I could sense she was a little uncomfortable..
HS: You focus on the other three chicks! Beautiful, that's how I would've played it.
DN: Right.
Robyn: You drove her crazy.
HS: If only I was a good-looking guy.
DN: Not in the sense that, and it wasn't even so much a move..
HS: It's smart. I don't care what you call it, it's smart.
DN: Instead of having an awkward dialogue with her, I..
HS: Engage the whole table.
DN: Engage the table..
HS: Say a couple of guy things with the girls going [makes little girly sounds] and they all respond and everyone's talking, and Carmen's like 'oh my god, oh, he's such a gentleman, and all the girls love him.' Oh my god, you must've banged her the first night, I'm telling you played it right. I don't think you had sex with her, probably messed around the first night, this is my guess, you didn't go all the way, you got to thrid base.
DN: It's a good guess, actually, kiss on the lips goodnight.
HS: That was it?
Robyn: You took her home?