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HS: You went to the club, did you dance with her?
DN: No, I'm not a dancer.
HS: You're not a dancer? That's so cool, I wouldn't dance.
Robyn: You let her dance for you..
HS: First of all, Carmen Electra's a real good dancer, I would just say 'hey, ya know baby, why don't you go dance with some other people, you come back to me if you want.'
DN: I am totally fine with that.
HS: Did she go up and start dancing or she just sat there and hung with you?
DN: No, we just kind've hung out, it was pretty wierd because we had dinner and then we went to a club and then we were like, several cars, like kind've a caravan and a mustang, and I had my car, and then it was like, what next?
HS: Did you say to her, 'you know, I don't know what's going on here, but I'm really feeling something for you'?
DN: No..
HS: Nothing like that?
Robyn: Thank god you didn't use that lame line...
DN: Thats just like to come off as heavy-handed pushing...
HS: Yeah, right. I'm in love with you baby.
DN: But, I will tell you that I did try to move it somewhere else after the club..
HS: Escape the other girls and zero in on her.
DN: This is the best part, and the most crushing part, when I said to her, 'so, wanna go get some tea or something?' And be like, sensitvie.
HS: You couldn't invite her back to your apartment because that's too forward
DN: Yeah, sensitive tea guy
HS: Right, I like that.
DN: And you know what she says?
HS: What?
DN: "I don't like tea." And I was just like, uh...alright, well, bye.
HS: So what happened? That was it?
DN: That was it.
HS: You got her number though
DN: No. I had to get it from a friend.
HS: Really? So she didn't ask you for your number?
Robyn: So how did you get a kiss?
DN: I just gave her a peck, I was like "I don't like to" and there was a little kiss on the lips
DN: At the vallet.
HS: Were you so horny when you got home you rubbed one out?
DN: No.
HS: Really? I'm shocked.
DN: I am too in hindsight.
HS: I would've rubbed one out. Was she wearing a little short skirt, like her legs showing and stuff? She had on those Frankie B jeans. Look at me and you pointing at each other, we know. Go ahead.
DN: It was Frankie B jeans, she had a nice...I believe a tight little Harley Davidson
HS: Belly showing?
DN: Belly showing. And this like, white fur ensomble thing.
HS: Let me think about that for a second. And what kind've shoes? Like, she always wears those high shoes, with the toes, she has nice feet.
DN: She's tiny. And I liked that because it implies height for me.
HS: Alright, let me take a breather. Hold on I gotta take a breather. This is how guys talk.
Robyn: I'm trying to figure out what you two are saying.
DN: I'm still trying to figure it out.
HS: I follow this perfectly. I could hang with you dude. You're speaking my language. See, guys know how to talk chicks. This is how guys talk. Belly shirt, shoes.
DN: We have a nice blend of the guy banter, and the actual
HS: The real stuff. But the two of you look good together right? That's attractive also. You make a stunning couple walking into a restaurant or party or something like that. So, when you call her on the phone, a long conversation insues? No, I'm saying after that night.
Robyn: How long do you wait to call?
DN: Ya know, I just called her the next day.
HS: Smart! I like that. No game playing. Honey, I'm not playing games, I like you. If you're ready to start something here, let's go.
DN: I considered it. I considered the two day thing, play it cool, but...
HS: You called her right away and said "hey, let's go somewhere" or "come on over, let's hang." Where did you take her? Or did she come over to your place?
DN: We ended up...god, this is funny. This is really funny. We just went and saw a movie, and had lunch.
HS: What movie did you see? Scary Movie?
DN: Recrium for a dream.
HS: Why? What is that? A bad movie?
Gary: It's about heroin addiction, it's supposed to be one of the darkest movies ever.
HS: Perfect. But he's an expert. Oh, for god's sake, that's beautiful.
DN: Yeah, and that way I could lean over during the film and say "this part isn't true."
HS: The way he's shooting up there, that's not the way you do it. But you only see that in the movies. The skin popping isn't even real. So, you were able to show her your expertese in all areas. Usually, I take a date on a Holocaust movie. Ya know, why not? I've lived in fear of that my whole life. I've been beaten with chains and stuff. So, you go to this movie, a little bit heavy, but thats ok, you can see the chicks got something on her mind, she could understand an involved movie, and then what do you do? Take her to dinner?
DN: It was daytime. It was a daytime thing.
HS: People recognize her?
DN: Yeah.
HS: A lot? Moreso than you?
DN: Yeah.
HS: Could you deal with that? You don't mind?
DN: Yeah. I love that. I mean, if it's going to go one way or the other, I'd rather have it go that way.
HS: It's kind've hot too in a way. People freak out in the movie theater, she's there, Carmen Electra?
DN: The thing about L.A. is that everybody there is so self-involved and self-centered that they rarely see anybody else anyway.
HS: Do you feel funny calling her Carmen? Do you know it's not her real name?
DN: I call her by her real name.
HS: You do? Interesting. You do call her by her real name? How did you start that? From what point?
DN: A couple weeks into it.
HS: Interesting. See, I would've done that too. I would not like calling her Carmen. If I was very intimate with her I would say, "ya know what, that's your made-up name. I wanna call you by your real name." Which is like, Tara or something.
DN: I either call her by her real name, or I use the full "Carmen Electra."
HS: When do you use "Carmen Electra"?
DN: To imply distance.
HS: I see. So in other words, "now you're being like Carmen Electra." Be Tara.
DN: I like Tara, I like Carmen Electra, then there's a third persona, Wendy.
HS: Wendy? Who is Wendy?
DN: Wendy's no make up, hair pulled back, jeans, sweater...
HS: Why the name Wendy?
DN: I don't know. She's just like a UCLA student, a drama student.
HS: There are times you call her Wendy? And she doesn't take offense to that?
DN: Not at all.
HS: You're a heck of a date. Look at what's going on with you. You've got an original mind. You never call her "Mrs. Rodman" do you?
DN: No.
HS: Because that would be wrong. So, the date occurs, and now...
Robyn: Wait a minute, you know what? You bring up an interesting point. This is a woman who met Dennis Rodman and married him.
HS: Does that go in the back of your mind, and you go, "wait a second, she's great..." Let me tell you something, I've hung out with her, and I always say in the back of my mind, "she is so normal, she's bright, fun, great looking, she went off and married Dennis Rodman in two seconds." Does that go in the back of your mind?
DN: No, not at all. Because, first of all, I've done the shotgun wedding in Vegas thing.
HS: There you go. That's true. You're as crazy as she is.
DN: And the cool thing I know from my own experience, is for her, she's lucky that I've already went through something like that, got that out of my system...
HS: You were as crazy as she was. What am I thinking? As normal as you seem...
Robyn: She could turn around and say the same thing about you.
HS: That's right. You guys are perfect for each other. I'm going to let you have her, because you two are perfect for each other. I've never done anything that crazy.
DN: I look at it the same way. As far as Dennis Rodman goes, first of all, just like on a pure superficial mass-media level, I think he's exciting, interesting, colorful, great ball player. And, I get the attraction to people like that.
HS: Dennis Rodman is still in love with her. I think you're aware of this. And he does call her and try to track her down. Now, are you nervous about that confrontation?
DN: No.
HS: Because doesn't that parallel, seriously, and I don't mean to make a joke about this, but what happened with your mother was a guy involved, he was jealous. This could be history repeating itself. I got a point there.
DN: I don't think it is. I mean, as far as being nervous about that confrontation, that would have to imply uncertainty on my part, whereas I am certain he would beat the hell out of me.
HS: You know what would happen, so why be nervous about it? Just take your beating like a man.
DN: Nothing to be fearful of.
HS: So you go out on this date, the movie, and then after the movie you went to...tea, no..
DN: She doesn't like tea. And she doesn't like coffee either.
HS: Where do you take her after the movie? Guys need to know this. You took her back to your place, I know you did.
DN: No no no. No I didn't.
HS: You've got a house, a fancy house?
DN: I've got a nice house.
HS: Yeah, you've got money. Go ahead.
DN: It's not fancy. I actually don't recall. I know we went, we went to the Ivy.
HS: The Ivy. So you ate dinner.
DN: We had lunch. And then we did like, sunglasses shopping, accessorizing.
HS: Nice. That's fun.
DN: It's always fun.
HS: That's a lot of fun.
DN: And, did the film. Oh, I took her to a sugar-free bakery.
HS: Ok, did all that. And then took her home. Did you kiss her?
DN: Yeah.
HS: That was it, just a kiss?
DN: Yeah.
HS: You didn't feel her boobs?
DN: It was more involved of a peck.
HS: Ok, you got her boobs. You know what I did to her when I went, not a date, but had her over. I locked her out of the house and made her scale the fence. I did, but that's a whole other thing. Did she ever tell you about that? Oh, see, she didn't care. So, just a kiss?
DN: Yeah. The truth is that, at that point it was like, what have I got to lose here, and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.
HS: So does it take you about a month to score? Or like, the third date?
DN: That part is kind've cloudy.
HS: That's cloudly?
DN: Well, as far as which date it was...
HS: Did it take a long time before you two were lovers?
DN: It didn't take that long. But it wasn't immediate either.
Robyn: Was she traveling, and it took time to get together or something?
DN: I think the truth is that, she had just come out of her long thing...
HS: Feeling out the situation.
DN: Yeah, feeling it out.
HS: And the sex was great?
DN: Yeah...
HS: It was? Look at you.
DN: Yeah, I mean, it's great.
HS: Do rockstars use condoms? Or that's not part of it?
Robyn: How does he know what all rockstars do?
HS: Come on, he's a rockstar. Here, wait a second.
Robyn: Do you use condoms?
HS: Who, me?
Robyn: No, him.
HS: Do ya?
DN: Currently, no. But I only sleep with one woman.
Robyn: Is she on birth control?
HS: You better be careful dude, you don't wanna get her knocked up. What are you doing? Withdrawing? What are you, crazy? You are crazy.
DN: I think what we use is called the "wing and repair system."
HS: Really? Look at you, you're going to be a dad soon. You'll have little Navarro's running around.
HS: Dave Navarro has a new album out, Trust No One. Gary, bring in some cigars, Dave wants to hand out cigars. You knock her up man, that's it. Heavy bucks. You got it. Dave, the new single is "Rexall." "Rexall" sounds medicimal to me. It's a drug company. Why ya singing about drug companies?
DN: It's not really about that. That song is more about the misperception of relationships. I took the name of that drug store because that's where my parents met. That's the first relationship that I had witnessed.
HS: Your entire solo album is...after the death of your mother, you wrote a whole bunch of songs about that death. Are some of these songs included on this?
DN: Yeah. They've been re-worked. I mean, I will keep re-working something until someone just kind've pulls the plug on me.
HS: Do you have a guitar in here? Or did you want to do a song from there?
DN: Sure.
HS: You do? I would love to hear you do something.
DN: Whatever you've got.
HS: Do you have a guitar?
DN: Yeah.
HS: You do? You admit to having a guitar? [to Robyn] Would you like to hear a little something? What can you do? Rexall?
DN: There's another track I'd rather do, "Hungry."
HS: Hungry? Where's the guitar? Go get the guitar Scott or I'll spank you around. No, I don't wanna get the guitar, who am I? Carmen Electra? Get me Carmen Electra and I'll do it.
DN: This is Dave Kushner over here.
HS: Hey Dave, how ya doing? Here, sit down. What's the matter with you? What do you got, a guitar here? Let me see that, let me play that.
DN: You want to play this?
HS: No, I suck. I'm going to be playing with the Stone Temple Pilots probably. I'll probably be going out there. When are you guys going on? What's your slot?
DN: I'm not sure.
HS: You're not? You don't even care?
DN: Well, I'm doing Conan with this that day.
HS: Oh, so probably later in the night you're doing your thing? I might come out and jam with you guys too. If I stand out on the stage, everyone's going to have to play with me. That sounds good. Where's my mic in all this? Oh, it's all plugged in? Nice. I don't have to do anything. Alright, this is called "Rexall"
DN: No, this is called "Hungry."
HS: Oh, "Hungry," what's hungry about it? Because I am hungry right now.
DN: It's kind've just about dysfunction in relationships and...
HS: It's not about hunger, literal hunger?
DN: It's about a girl with an eating disorder.
HS: Oh it is? What about you? You probably don't even eat all day right? How do you stay so rockstar thin?
DN: I do a lot of cardio.
HS: You do? Really, you run around and stufF?
DN: I run, uh, treadmill. Hence the shocks.
HS: Look at you. The sneakers. I gotta get out there and run right now...before the DFP. Alright, here we go, Dave Navarro doing a little solo.
DN: An impromptu thing.
HS: I'm sorry, what's your name again? Dave. Everyone's named Dave. Alright, this is called "Hunger."
["Hungry" played acoustically]
HS: Beautiful. Very nice!
DN: Thank you.
HS: I like that! I think that hunger was more about heroin. I heard tin foil in there, I heard..
DN: It's my dysfunction, like I said. So its like the empty girl and..
Robyn: Well it was all symbolic. He was feeling empy and he fell in love with a girl who was literally empty.
DN: It was a metaphor.
HS: Yeah, and ya know, because heroin would be empty. But you know what I kept thinking during that song, not to read too much into it, I kept saying to myself, "This is the guy who gets to touch Carmen Electra." I really did and thats beautiful.
DN: That's really what it's about.
HS: Well, both Dave's thank you for doing that. Dave Navarro, you're great, I can't wait to see you tomorrow night at the DFP with Jane's Addiction. And the new single is "Rexall," the new album Trust No One, Dave Navarro everyone. It's great to see you and great to have you here. And we'll be back right after these words.
typed up by Chase A from the actual interview.