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Dave stopped by Tom Green's internet TV show broadcast live from his home. Dave answered several calls from viewers, including:
Question #1: "Dave, now that you're single, what or who are you doing?"
He responded that he isn't dating right now, and that he's busy with The Panic Channel and Spread Radio Live.
Question #2: "We want to know what Dave feels about the impact of celebrity blogging and if he reads Perez Hilton?"
Dave replied that he does read Perez Hilton, and continued to say Perez is unlike any of the tabloids, which turned into Dave sharing his recent experience at the gym where he was hounded by the paparazzi. He refered to it as his "Sean Penn moment," and was threatened with assault for shoving the camera in his face, but Dave talked him out of it.
Question #3: "What is your biggest influence in music?"
Dave replied that right now, his bandmates in The Panic Channel influence him, but when he was growing up, some of his influences were Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page.
The idea of "taking it all back" was a big subject for the night. Dave strongly feels that the artists need to take the media back, which is what he and Tom feel they're doing with their respective internet shows. He also went on to share his feelings on how the music industry backs artists that they feel will sell, and target them to people who don't have computers so they would have to go and buy the album in a store instead of online.
Question #4: "What was it like playing with The Red Hot Chili Peppers, and how was the experience for you musically?"
Dave: "It was awesome, ya know all three of those guys are fucking incredible. one of the things I love about the Chili Peppers is every musician in that band, including Anthony, has his own identity. I know that Anthony has taken a lot of heat over the past, ya know, however many years they've been together for some of his vocal skills, but the bottom line is you hear that guy, you know who it is, and that's personally what I like ... And I'll tell ya that working with Chad and Flea just musically just helped me evolve as a player, I mean it just was an incredible time for me."
Question #5: "What compelled actually both of you to do the web-o-vision and your live radio show Dave?"
Dave: "For me, on the radio thing, I was tired of corporate playlists and I was tired of commercials and I was tired of censoring myself and FCC regulations ... It just gave me the idea, like I felt so constricted having to work within these guidelines, and I was like 'Fuck man, I've got the greatest tool of communication in my living room.'"
They closed the show with Dave jamming on a guitar Tom recently had GWAR sign. Dave asked for a guitar pick, which apparently they had a hard time finding and Dave said "Come on dude, What kind've outfit are you running here? Fucking Jimmy Kimmel had guitar picks for fucks sake."