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Dave and Steve stopped by the studio to give their advice to callers, and also to promote the release of (ONe). At the top of the show, Stryker asked how the band came together, and who else was in the band.
The first question directed towards Dave was about why he collects paintings by serial killers, to which he replied it was fascinating, captivating, and interesting. He was asked which was his favorite, he said the one he was holding in the article this question originated from was "Pogo The Clown" by John Wayne Gacy, as well as "Seven Dwarfs."
Stryker asked Dave about the rumors of him going out with Jenna Jameson, which Dave said was not true. He also touched on the subject of being in the public eye while going through his divorce, to which Dave just said "it sucks."
Next, Dave was asked how he got started playing guitar, which he answered he originally started playing piano and then switched to guitar as he was listening to music that inspired him such as Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin. This subject turned into how it's easier now than then to put an album out, which Steve commented on the use of myspace and that at any given time anyone, anywhere, could be listening to some great music.
About halfway through the show, a girl who whores herself out called in. She was abused when she was younger, so Dave and Dr. Drew were suggesting she get involved in a 12 step program or therapy. Dave also suggested calling the Sex & Love Addicts Annonymous.
A female caller was concerned because her nipples don't get hard. The advice Dave gave was that some women are just more sensitive in other areas, while Steve mentioned "guys are normally just happy to be in a room with naked breasts."
The next caller had a problem of her boyfriend moving just before she is about to orgasm, to which Dr. Drew said ejaculation and orgasms can be two completely different things for a woman. Dave saw this oppurtunity to ask about female ejaculation.
Dave was asked what his favorite musical project was, which he replied The Panic Channel has been the one he's had the most fun with. This caller also challenged Dave to a guitar duel, which he declined because "I'd rather watch paint dry."
Next, a female caller wanted advice as to how she could change her boyfriends routine during sex. Dave suggested telling him what she likes, and Steve suggested changing her behavior that could change his behavior so he may break his routine.
Tracks played from (ONe): Teahouse Of The Spirits & Left To Lose