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Dave was in the studio partially due to his book coming out. Before they took any calls, Dave was talking with Adam and Dr. Drew about it, saying he pulled it from it’s 2001 release because he felt the content wasn’t responsible, partially because he mentioned members of his family which he didn’t want to let out in the general public. He also mentioned that Neil Strauss spent the full year, June 1998 to June 1999, with Dave and that is why most of it is written in the present tense. He also mentioned it was Marilyn Manson that suggested Dave work with Neil Strauss.
Dave left momentarily to go to the bathroom after the second segment, and Adam and Drew asked if he sits, stands, or uses the sink. He said he’s currently a stander, but during his drug years would go in the sink.
[Segment 1:]
Call: Lisa, 24, asking about using Plan B.
Dave’s comments: "You know a trip to Disneyland would also be a little bit more fun, go on the spin out. That’ll work too."
Call: Shane, 17, asking about having sex with a pregnant girl he did not get pregnant.
Dave’s comments: "There’s also something to be said for, you know, this guy just expressed how he’s not happy where he’s living, it’s probably a small boring town, to invite that kind’ve drama into your life, you know what I’m saying? That’s something to focus on."
[Segment 2]
Call: Sarah, 21, has never had an orgasm and was abused at 3.
Dave’s comments:
"What does that say about society today, you know, you ask ‘have you been abused?’ and she’s like ‘oh, yeah.’ I mean is it that common?"
"If you have dealt with something like that in your life that is so traumatic, that at some point you need to address it and deal with it and move through it."
Call: Susie, 19, wants to meet someone from the internet.
Dave’s comments: "There is nothing that a guy hates more than a drop-by, let alone a continental drop-by."
[Segment 3]
Calls: Susie continued; Shelby, able to orgasm through masterbation since age 12 and wonders why she is so different.
[Segment 4]
Call: Kayla, 15, has a hard time letting go of boyfriends.
Dave’s comments: none
Call: Nicole, 15, training to be a submissive to her 22 yr old boyfriend.
Dave’s comments:
"Do you guys have a code word for when enough is enough?"
"Sooner or later those little outfits are going to start feeling really silly."
"What’s the nature of your submissive relationship? How does he inflict his dominance?"
Call: Star, 19, wants to know if she’s a sex addict.
Dave’s comments:
"I’ve got to tell you guys, I’m thrilled I came out here tonight. This is awesome."
"You’ve got to get clean first, then it’s all going to be part of that."
[Segment 5]
Call: Mariah, 22, swings with her husband and are looking to have a three-some.
Dave’s comments:
"The couple thing, by the way, is just a little creepy for me."
"I’ve personally had an experience with an old relationship where we would bring a third home. Does not work. Not a good thing."
"My uncle was a swinger and his son grew up to be a proctologist."
[Segment 6]
Call: Amy, 22, wants to tell her husband about the baby she gave up at 16.
Dave’s comments:
"Personally, it just seems to make sense that you tell him if it’s weighing on your mind like this. I can’t imagine having that kind’ve a secret from my wife."
"But don’t you think the typical ‘what else hasn’t she told me?’ would come up?"
"Here’s one thing that I think is very important for people to realize, and it’s been that way for me, is that if it ends in divorce or if you guys separate, who’s to say that’s a failure? There’s this whole thing about how love has to last forever and ever … But you know, I mean, it’s a fact of life, and who’s to say you can’t learn from it and grow as a result of it?"