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yahoomusic: Have you always wanted to do a solo album? When and where did the impetus for this album come from?
dave_navarro_chat: It just ended up happening that way. It was a collection of songs I decided to put out but the intention was never to make a "solo" album.
dave_navarro_chat: Nice use of the word Impetus, by the way
eriko469: Are you going to tour solo? Any plan to come to Japan again?
dave_navarro_chat: No plans to go to Japan at this moment but there are plans for touring in the fall.
dave_navarro_chat: ...
dave_navarro_chat: Last book? "The Power of Now"
dave_navarro_chat: Random questions are more fun. Keep them coming!
dave_navarro_chat: This was a guide to spiritual enlightenment.
infinite_fantasia: Who was the most difficult to get into the photo booth?
dave_navarro_chat: There were no difficult people in my photo booth.
emberbox: Dave, your always so good at answering Q's on Loveline... Ever think of doing your own show?
dave_navarro_chat: Never thought of it but I'd be happy to entertain the idea.!
melissa4222001: Hi Dave! We love the new cd. I'm curious, what does the line "seven times near the place with the books" refer to?
dave_navarro_chat: The Kennedy Assassination.
dave_navarro_chat: there's a scene in Woody Allen's ANNIE HALL where he is talking about the assassination, in order to avoid having sex with his girlfriend.
moviesmomo: Thinking about getting anymore tattoos? What would they be of?
dave_navarro_chat: Not neccessarily thinking about it right now. it's kind of a spur of the moment kinda thing.
dougiezero1982: What kind of person were you in high school? nerd? jock? burnout?
dave_navarro_chat: All of the above!
yahoomusic: did you enjoy coachella this year? what do you think about that festival and festivals like it?
dave_navarro_chat: Yes, i enjoyed it. I think they're great.
moviesmomo: what do you think has changed most about your preception since the original days of jane's addiction? how do you think you have evolved as an artist?
dave_navarro_chat: Generally, i try to remain in the moment and not concentrate on the evolution.
dave_navarro_chat: Which in turn explains the type of evolving i've undergone.
raiderchica: Any more plans model for Anna Sui or any other designers?
dave_navarro_chat: no
dansel00: you once said ritual was the work your most proud of. Would trust no one take its place?
dave_navarro_chat: RITUAL is the work I'm most proud of. TRUST NO ONE is the work i'm most to have closure with.
metalpunkhc: where do you shop for clothes?
dave_navarro_chat: I dont shop for clothes. I pick up pieces here and there from friends or from clothing racks at photo shoots.
yahoomusic: It's no secret that you are into photography. What about it excites you? What are you creative goals as a phtographer?
dave_navarro_chat: My goals are to enjoy the process and what i love about it is that it's instantly gratifying.
yahoomusic: What kind of camera is your favorite to shoot with these days?
dave_navarro_chat: I've been using a Digital Camera.
heidia28: Are you still a vegan?
dave_navarro_chat: no
fearandloathing77: Dave, do you actually design your own web page?
dave_navarro_chat: I used to be very involved and at this stage in the game i'm so busy that i have allowed people i trust to work on the 6767 site.
dave_navarro_chat: 6767.com
dave_navarro_chat: I'm less involved in the content of that one though. I like the 6767 site because there's no order form at the end of it.
dave_navarro_chat: davenavarro.net
dansel00: You guys seemed to tinker around with the idea of a new album with the janes tour during a couple of interviews. what are the odds?
dave_navarro_chat: what are the odds? At this point, they aren't very clear. We stll have quite a lot of touring ahead of us.
x_twista_x_420: what do you think of the rap/rock groups?
dave_navarro_chat: I think they're fine. They're not records that I buy but I think that if there's anything creative that brings people enjoyment that it's a good thing.
yahoomusic: Do you listen to any kind of ambient music? Seems you would enjoy the texture and the darness of some ambient music...
dave_navarro_chat: I dont do a lot of listening to music, period. Especailly right now with Janes Addiction rehearsal and my own band. The last thing after 9 hours of music I want to do is listen to more.
dave_navarro_chat: I've found silence is the only ambient sound i want at this point.
dave_navarro_chat: ...
starfreak_04: Dave, would you say your music differs in any way from playing with Jane's Addiction?
dave_navarro_chat: For starters, none of hte members of Janes Addiction are in THIS band.
dave_navarro_chat: :)
dave_navarro_chat: With the exception of me, that is.
dave_navarro_chat: The other half of that answer is that it's coming from a totally different place. Janes Addiction was a collaberative effort. This one was a singular one coming from me.
dave_navarro_chat: ;) My record is by far way more self-indulgent.
kms1s: I loved your kitchen on "cribs". Doesn't the steel floor get really slippery?
dave_navarro_chat: no
moviesmomo: hey dave -- how do you like doing shows on MTV? will we see you on any news shows soon?
bsardin: You really seem to be having a lot of fun these days, do you think with this album you have expelled all your demons?
dave_navarro_chat: i dont think i'll ever expel all of them but i'm certainly having fun trying!
buffball1313: who's your favorite guitarist?
dave_navarro_chat: I dunno... i think the guy frm STP is pretty good. He writes good parts.
dave_navarro_chat: My favorite of all time... probably Hendrix.
janesaddiction992000: How did Dave meet Perry
dave_navarro_chat: he was in a band called Psicom with my friend Eric Avery.
moviesmomo: Have you ever thought of making a full length documentary with all your home videos?
dave_navarro_chat: Yes...
dave_navarro_chat: I haven't in fact done any such thing as the content is far too unpalatable for general release
moviesmomo: what do you see in the future for RHCP...how can they evolve...
dave_navarro_chat: I have NO IDEA what the future for the Chili Peppers will be.
dave_navarro_chat: I dont know what's happening five minutes from now!
dave_navarro_chat: :)
smoniz1972: I just wanted to say thanks for inspiring me to pick up the guitar and make noise
dave_navarro_chat: thanks for letting me know that. You're welcome!
sublimeloudog17: Dave, what is your take on huge outbreak of Pop?
dave_navarro_chat: Same thing i felt about the Rap Rock thing. I dont buy the records but if someone taps their foot and has a happy moment because of it.... it's fine with me.
dave_navarro_chat: All of those guys work harder than any other entertainers I can think of. Honestly. It's the truth of the matter.
dave_navarro_chat: I can assure you the guys in the Back Street Boys wored harder than I did. ;)
dave_navarro_chat: At least I dont have to smile, wave, take dance classes and deal with choreeography. Photo shoots all day long...you know all that stuff they do.
charlierudy: What was the issue with recording the new album? I heard it was being worked on years ago.
dave_navarro_chat: There's no issue. Things just take the time that they take.
dave_navarro_chat: Ultimately, i have to decide there was a spiritual principle at work. Picking apart the reasons a release didnt take place when i hoped it too would be useless.
vajovv: What are your opinions of our nation's new "leader," (ahem) Dubya?
dave_navarro_chat: I have no opinion on outside issues really. I dont really care who's in the white house. I"m far too self-centered. :)
dougiezero1982: What was the first record you ever bought?
dave_navarro_chat: A disney film!
snicklefritz_59: Will you be making any television appearances soon?
dave_navarro_chat: Jay Leno, tomorrow night (Tuesday, June 19)
iamagoat2: What will your next single be? Do you plan to make a video for it?
dave_navarro_chat: It's going to be HUNGRY and there will be a video for that, which i intend to Direct (or co-direct).
dave_navarro_chat: ...
heidia28: Do you have any pets?
dave_navarro_chat: no.
roxytopia: who was the most influentail person in your life?
dave_navarro_chat: Perry Farrell
melissa4222001: Dave, my husband is distressed about the future of rock. Do you think there are still originals out there like Iggy?
dave_navarro_chat: i really find it difficult to speak intelligently about anything regarding the future howver i certainly do have hope there is greatness to come.
satu37: Which upcoming artists would you like to open for you?
dave_navarro_chat: Otep
dave_navarro_chat: However i would love to open for Radiohead or Massive Attack.
akaskywalker2000: what are you proudest of in life?
dave_navarro_chat: Learning that staying in the moment in relationships can in fact bring happiness and joy to our experiences.
dave_navarro_chat: It's something i've learned thru the process of making this record.
dave_navarro_chat: ...
janeslist: will you be doing a club tour for yr solo stuff?
dave_navarro_chat: I would say 3-500 seat capacity venues.
dave_navarro_chat: ...
dave_navarro_chat: Hey, listen everyone....
dave_navarro_chat: (or in fact READ )
dave_navarro_chat: Unfortunately, i just finished a Janes Addiction rehearssal and am moving into a new session with my band but unfortunately I have to run.
dave_navarro_chat: I had a great time and I appreciate everyone's support.
dave_navarro_chat: I hope we can do this again. You know how much I love computers!
dave_navarro_chat: :)
dave_navarro_chat: By the way, Perry's album comes out July 19th. It's incredible. Make sure ya pick it up.
The above was taken from Yahoo