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Live: Camp


[In Studio]: Dave, Billy
[Phone-Ins]: Freedom the Indie Dog (aka Triumph the Insult Dog)

[Absentees]: Everyone, this show was pre-recorded on 12/18/05.

They took several phone calls throughout the show, asking what each was doing for New Years. Dave mentioned he would be having a get together at his house, and that Billy would be joining him. They also discussed their highlights of the year.

In the middle of the show, they were playing around trying to do their own sweepers, providing the sound effects themselves.

Billy brought up Dave's voice mail message, and Dave had TK call it, but they were unable to play it as there wasn't any service at the station. Billy had Dave recite it, then they were able to connect, and his message is "Hey, this is Dave, leave a message and I will definately hear it."


"What've you got planned for this fine New Years Eve?" [Dave]
"Well, I've got a few New Years resolutions, you know." [Freedom the Indie Dog]
"Oh what would those be?" [Dave]
"I'm going to stop smoking cigars and just stick strictly to the chronic, and besides that, I'm going to try to stop licking myself, I'm not so sure how that's going to work out, but I'll do my best." [Freedom]
"Hey, you know what Freedom? Don't bother with that one, that's actually quite a fun one to keep. Ya know, if I was able to do that, I would continue doing that." [Billy]

"He's so putting me off. You're sitting there like that." [Billy]
"What did I do? I am not, what are you talking about? Billy is motioning as if I'm somehow grabing my testicles right now, that's not true." [Dave]
"But Dave you were resting them on the counter a minute ago." [Billy]
"Well that is true. They were tired man, they needed a little break." [Dave]
"You have no idea, listeners, you have no idea." [Billy]
"Oh you really don't. I am a basket case, but you know what, it's ok because I love you all." [Dave]

Copyright © 2001-2005.