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"The eggnog is a' flowin' my friends." [Dave]
"What I wouldn't give to be your dad tonight." [Dave, to a caller who said she was wearing a quite provocative outfit to "look cute" for the family]
[in response to a caller who wanted more affection, and not to be a "fuck buddy"]
"You know, Billy and I don't want to sit here and tell you that on this holiday season, the best thing to do is to play head-games, but that is what we're telling you." [Dave]
"It really is. You just mess with their heads, ok?" [Billy]
[to a caller who wanted them to play "Christmas Time For My Penis" by the Vandals]
"I have something else we can play ... "Penis in the Vagina" by you and me." [Dave, everybody laughs]
"That's my favorite game Dave! That's great!" [Billy]
"I love that game! You know that started, that's an old christmas game.." [Dave]
"We all play it around the family table." [Billy]
"The jews had the dradle game, and the non-jews played the "penis in the vagina" game. It's an amazing game. I'm really good at that game, I swear to god I'll beat you Billy." [Dave]
"Well, I'm pretty quick.." [Billy]
"I can do it quicker than you, I promise, I'll beat you! I'll beat you to the punch! I'm so good, like that, I'm finished in no time." [Dave]
"You know what would be great during a game of 'penis in the vagina' is to listen to us yap for two hours. Can you think of anything that can make it last longer?" [Dave, everybody laughs]
"What the hells the dog doing?" [Billy]
"Wait, wait, wait, let me ask you, what kind've crazy non-sense is it to put a dog barking in a song?" [Dave]
"I bet it made millions Dave." [Billy]
"Oh yeah, I guess we put one in "Been Caught Stealing" didn't we? Nevermind!" [Dave]
"Honey, I could arrange to have a white christmas, you and me. Just one quick call to Don Johnson." [Dave, to Carmen]
"I don't get out much, matter of fact, I'm calling from an undisclosed location because there's a pitt bull after me because apparently I screwed the shih tzu out of his girlfriend." [Triumph the Insult Dog]
"Is this the Peanuts Christmas album? ... Dude, that one will make you slit your wrists anytime." [Dave]
"We've been on the air two hours and played two songs." [Billy]