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Live: Camp


[In Studio]: Dave, Billy
[Weather]: Carmen Electra
[Traffic]: Simara Rose
[Phone-Ins]: Jack Healey ("Mr. Human Rights"), Triumph the Insult Dog

[Absentees]: Technically everybody because of the holiday.

This show was pre-recorded by Dave and Billy on 12/11/04 after that nights show.

The opened the show with a ton of phone calls because Dave was afraid of losing the callers. To many, Dave asked what they were wearing. Two callers called back and they simply said "tunnel." They spent more time on the phones than anything else on this show.

Dave revealed that for presents, he was giving donations out in his family members names. He said that his step-mother called him and told him that she and his father would actually prefer a gift from him. Billy then commented that he just calls his family and tells them he's "not doin' it."

Dave brought up a time where he wanted to just escape from everyone, so he went to a hotel, yet he would answer his cell phone so that no one would worry about him since he was doing drugs and was trying to avoid any intervention. He lasted about an entire day before making the mistake of calling Carmen from the hotel, which she then called right back to see where he was. He also said he went out in public, like to the Standard Lounge and ran into some of her friends.

Carmen brought up the fact that one of her friends had a sex dream with Dave and how she thought it was hot. Then Billy said his wife has dreams about him having sex with someone else, and thinks it's hot, unless the girl is really hot, then she gets really upset at him.

They debuted a new segment they call "Girls From The Weekly" where, as Billy posted on the Doheny blog, "... where Dave and I call up the Escort Girls from the back of the local radio and chat to them!!!" [12/13/04 post] The first girl they called, named Crystal, had actually met Dave at one point and shared her stories of her encounters with him.


"The eggnog is a' flowin' my friends." [Dave]

"What I wouldn't give to be your dad tonight." [Dave, to a caller who said she was wearing a quite provocative outfit to "look cute" for the family]

[in response to a caller who wanted more affection, and not to be a "fuck buddy"]
"You know, Billy and I don't want to sit here and tell you that on this holiday season, the best thing to do is to play head-games, but that is what we're telling you." [Dave]
"It really is. You just mess with their heads, ok?" [Billy]

[to a caller who wanted them to play "Christmas Time For My Penis" by the Vandals]
"I have something else we can play ... "Penis in the Vagina" by you and me." [Dave, everybody laughs]
"That's my favorite game Dave! That's great!" [Billy]
"I love that game! You know that started, that's an old christmas game.." [Dave]
"We all play it around the family table." [Billy]
"The jews had the dradle game, and the non-jews played the "penis in the vagina" game. It's an amazing game. I'm really good at that game, I swear to god I'll beat you Billy." [Dave]
"Well, I'm pretty quick.." [Billy]
"I can do it quicker than you, I promise, I'll beat you! I'll beat you to the punch! I'm so good, like that, I'm finished in no time." [Dave]

"You know what would be great during a game of 'penis in the vagina' is to listen to us yap for two hours. Can you think of anything that can make it last longer?" [Dave, everybody laughs]

"What the hells the dog doing?" [Billy]
"Wait, wait, wait, let me ask you, what kind've crazy non-sense is it to put a dog barking in a song?" [Dave]
"I bet it made millions Dave." [Billy]
"Oh yeah, I guess we put one in "Been Caught Stealing" didn't we? Nevermind!" [Dave]

"Honey, I could arrange to have a white christmas, you and me. Just one quick call to Don Johnson." [Dave, to Carmen]

"I don't get out much, matter of fact, I'm calling from an undisclosed location because there's a pitt bull after me because apparently I screwed the shih tzu out of his girlfriend." [Triumph the Insult Dog]

"Is this the Peanuts Christmas album? ... Dude, that one will make you slit your wrists anytime." [Dave]

"We've been on the air two hours and played two songs." [Billy]

Copyright © 2001-2004.