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none, but they were giving out CDs and tickets.
"Now if we give those CDs to kids, can they return them, and get the one's they want?" [Dave, to TK about giving away CDs]
"Well you know what, when you do that in front of me I do have to put a towel around my waist, if you know what I'm saying." [Dave, to Janice after she said she's afraid to squat in front of him at the gym]
"I wanna be like the MILF in your band." [Janice, about The Panic Channel]
"Dave, I have to tell you, I'm blown away. That is a one-woman fanclub right there for you, my son. How do you feel right now?" [Billy, after hanging up with Janice]
"I have a feeling he's going through a tunnel. [laughing] Yeah, you never know, she probably just hit the 134 right then." [Dave, about Stephanie and her husband]
"One is What's the date? and the other one is Will everybody's mom be there? Because I'm not coming down there for everybody's dad, I'll tell you that much. The kids are great and everything, but ya know, I've got to be motivated here." [Dave, when invited to the battle of the bands]
"Dave, May 7th." [Billy]
"Let me just tell you something Billy. 'Yeah, that'll never come, sure I'll do it!'" [Dave]
"That's what I'm talking about! That's like months away, yeah, sure." [Billy]
"I almost got arrested for hanging out in front of that school, but I had to explain I was hanging out waiting to see the mothers dropping their kids off, it wasn't for the kids." [Dave, talking about when he stopped by his little brothers school]
"I think there's some sort've preservation quality that takes place." [Dave, talking to Billy & Donovan about Motley Crue and their heroin/coke addictions]
"I fill up my own voicemail that way I don't have to return calls, and I come across as very popular." [Dave, when talking to Donovan]