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Live: Camp


[In Studio]: Dave, Billy, Matt
[Guest(s)]: Aimee Echo

[Absentees]: Donovan was out for an unknown reason.

The guys were talking about the fourth of July being the day we pretty much kicked their ass. They also talked about their BBQ's, and how Dave will be having buns within a bun, and carbohydrate shakes.

Dave had a copy of Larry Flynt's book that he continued to segway into. He finally gave it away, and they talked a little about the different types of porn markets, like lactating porn.

When Aimee came out, Matt apologized for the time in Boston that Velvet Revolver took her bands stage and made it their dressing room.

To give away tickets to The Start's 7/11/04 show, they did a Jeopardy where fans would call in and give an answer, and if Aimee could ask the right question, they win tickets.


For Dave to win $200 from Billy and Matt:
"At what age did I loose my virginity?" [asked by Dave, answer: 13]

For the Larry Flynt book:
"What magazine does Larry Flynt publish?" [asked by Dave, answer: Hustler]

For a pair of tickets to The Start's show:
"We have two records out, one's a full length, one's an EP, which record did the dog sing on?" [asked by Aimee, answer: Shake Down]

"What album did Aimee Echo and I play on, together?" [asked by Dave, answer: one Hot Minute]


"I just pulled her right on stage. Just grabbed her right out of the audience. Just sit here behind my gong until I'm done with Mr. Brownstone and i'll be with you." [Matt, talking about a VR show]

"Wait a minute, you built that story up way too far and way too long to just end it there. Like I really thought there was going to be some sort of resolve to that." [Dave, to Matt]

"A lot of people have tunnels in their homes, I'm finding." [Dave]

"You know what Weiland likes on the bus? He flips out if he hasn't had his Fruit Loops." [Matt]

"When I do step into the Hummer, I actually feel my penis getting larger." [Dave]

"We have to stop this coffee intake." [Billy]

"So many tunnels in L.A." [Aimee]

Copyright © 2001-2004.