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Live: Camp


[In Studio]: Dave, Billy
[Guest(s)]: Lisa (Killola)

[Absentees]: Matt and Donovan were out for unknown reasons.

When they opened mail, Dave received a special package from Stephanie Paul, who was a guest on his morning show on Indie March 28. She sent him a stuff bear having sex with a sheep.

The issue of immigration came up. Dave shared how his gardeners always come during his nap time and wake him up with their whistling and the blower, not to mention the two dogs barking the entire time they're out there. In the midst of this discussion, one caller was sharing her gardener story, and tricked them into a "deez nuts."

The webcam was up and running, and on top of being able to show off the bear having sex with the sheep, Dave once again showed his testicles, and toward the end of the show they found a blow up doll in the studio and had a little fun with it.

Before leaving, Dave was excited to announce he and Spread Radio Live co-host, Gregg Simon, have made a porno that will he will be networking at the LA Erotica show in June.


For the bear having sex with the sheep:
"'Boy, boy, crazy boy, stay cool boy.' You guys recognize that? Be the first caller to tell me what that's from and you'll win something, I promise." [asked by Dave, answer: West Side Story]


"Is there a reason for the balance is off in my headphones? Anything you're doing over there? No?" [Dave]
"No, no, no, the answer is 'yes, I'm sorry Dave, I'll fix it right now.'" [Billy]
"Do I have a brain anuerysm?" [Dave]

"Don't say 'vacation,' it's so American." [Dave, to Billy]

"I don't know how I moved in from Immigration reform to the extra Mexican guy who's watching the other guy blow on my lawn. And I think I feel, because of my heritage, that I can say that." [Dave]

"Billy Morrison, by the way, is in the chat room." [Dave]
"But let me tell you something Dave, I tried to sign in as Billy Morrison, it said that user name is all ready taken." [Billy]
"You know why? 'Cause late at night I sign in as you and mispell things.." [Dave]
"And say stupid stuff? 'Dude, I love Dave. Dave's great. Does anyone else here love Dave?'" [Billy]
"That's right, that's right baby. You've been in there." [Dave]

"All I know is that Billy purchased ammunition for monday." [Dave]
"Thanks Dave, that makes me look like a complete, like white hunter guy. ... I cannot believe that over the air you just told people I went and bought ammo." [Billy]
"Billy went and bought hallow-point, 9 mm, full metal jackets." [Dave]
"They make less of a mess." [Billy]
"Plus they explode on impact, which is really, a real man-stopper. I got myself a box of man-stoppers for monday." [Dave, they both laugh hysterically]

"... because if it was the one on Beverly, you know that one, right? Swingers? I've rubbed out quite a few in Swingers mens room, I'll let you know, I'll let you know because that door locks. Just take care of business. All righty then, that's a good way to wrap it up." [Dave, to Lisa before she left]

"And, don't forget that Billy is going to be masterbating into little bottles and be giving away samples of his sperm on the air." [Dave]
"Oh, oh lest we forget that. I mean how could we have not mentioned that all ready Dave?" [Billy]
"Don't forget people, next week." [Dave]
"Billy Morrison's children." [Billy]
"Children that shant have a chance, not even a glimmer of a chance of life." [Dave]
"You can win the chance of one of Billy Morrison's children." [Billy]

Copyright © 2001-2006.