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[Sex & Love Advice]:
The only caller tonight has a girlfriend who squirts. As he was explaining his problem, Dave just asked him what the problem was with her squirting. He ended up asking why some girls did it, and some don't, to which Dave responded it's like how some guys have big ones, and others don't.
"... Walked into it, bitch." [Dave]
"Tapes or CD's?" [Todd]
"C-Deez Nuts, bitch." [Dave]
"You know what baby, you're taking on Joe's problems and now now you're taking on my marital problems. I'm telling you, stick to the volume, get that thing turning left, turning right, get that thing ironed out, I'm sure the world's gonna open up for you like an oyster." [Dave, to a caller]
"Did you hear about this? That Joe got turned away at the Camp Freddy, I don't believe that for a second. And you know what dude? Not my problem. I don't work security. I showed up, I played a show, I played some songs, I went home, I was out of there. You know whose fault I think it was? Billy Morrison." [Dave]
"Probably. That's probably why he didn't show up tonight. Got out of town." [Todd]
"Got the hell out of dodge. 'Right, what I've done is run away to Hawaii in fear of Joe Escalante.'" [Dave, in his Billy Morrison voice]
"All right dude, we've got some commercials to do, I've got to take a piss." [Dave]
"Yeah, so do I." [Todd]
"Let's do it together. Sword fight." [Dave]
"He's got the Yellow fever. You know, it reminds me of an old joke. 'So then the Asian guy jumps out from behind the dirt and says SUPPLIES!'" [Dave, when talking to a customer about Asians]
"Dude, do you have any facial hair? Let me tell you something, I do. That's a problem." [Dave, to the Sex & Love Advice caller]
"Gushers we call them." [Dave, after getting off the phone with the S&L Advice caller]
"Yeah, I know what they're called, thanks." [Darren]
"I'm down with it dude. Hey man, bring it on. And you know what, I met a girl who is, actually has a sponsorship from Bed, Bath & Beyond because you go through so many towels and sheets with this girl, they actually outfitted her with her own line of sheets and towels. It's really incredible." [Dave]
"That's awesome. Made of rubber. Just hose em down. You don't wash or dry them, you just hose them down." [Todd, everybody laughs]
"Put it out back for the kids, Slip N Slide." [Dave]