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For tickets to the "Wreck The Halls" show:
"How old is Bruno [of Drive A]?" [asked by: Drive A, answer: 14]
".. No, my favorite Asian person in the world: Ashley Spalding. Great Asian. And she rolls with hot asians. So when they, when you're hanging out with her, you're just with a pack of hot Asian chicks, it's pretty cool. So I thought I'd, ya know, support them and get this shirt." [Dave]
"What, because of that little stitching on the color?" [Billy]
"Yeah. Dude, they see this they go crazy. Flavors of the East." [Dave, everyone laughs]
"So I fell asleep on my friends sofa, listening to Dirt and woke up to the fire brigade coming through the front door because I'd fallen asleep with a cigarette and the place was on fire." [Billy, laughs]
"At least you lit the place on fire, because I've called the fire department when my place wasn't on fire." [Dave]
"That's an interesting thing, just, what, did you think it was on fire?" [Billy]
"I believed, I believed that the gas was on and I called the fire department, I'm like 'I'm telling you the gas is on, I'm going to die, I know it, I'm getting tired all ready.' And this was when I was living up in the Hills, and like, I expected like the Fire Chief to come up or just one of those little cars." [Dave]
"Eight vehicles. SWAT team on the roof." [Billy]
"Huge vehicles. Dude, they couldn't turn around in my little alcove because it was like one of those areas, and they were basically turning around for 12 hours after the came and said 'It's all clear.' I'm like 'OK, thanks,' and I just closed my door, and all I could hear was them backing up for like the next 12 hours. 'Hey guys,' like an hour later, 'Hey guys, could you keep it down? Backing up is a little irritating to be honest with you.'" [Dave]
".. I pulled a gun on the Department of Water & Power because they were fixing the meter on my house, and I was really paranoid, I was like 'What the hell are you guys doing?!' And I did the [cocking a gun noises] with the gun thing, and next thing I knew my house was swarmed with cops. They frown upon the gun pulling. I don't know if it's a state thing or a county thing. Evidentally I lived in the area where they frowned upon it." [Dave]
When discussing the original Skids version of a song Green Day & U2 covered:
"But this is Indie, and you know what we do here at Indie." [Billy]
"We play My Chemical Romance." [Dave, everybody laughs]
"Awesome! I set it up, and yes he took it." [Billy]
"Homie. Buddy. Look, look, look, look, look, it's crazy dog lady calling, I'm telling you, look, that's her, I'm telling you, we're 30 seconds away." [Dave]