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[Sex & Love Advice]:
The only caller, Greg, his girlfriend likes to be choked and he wanted to know if that was right. Though they both admitted to doing some choking of their own, Dave suggested taking the time to figure out how much pressure to apply before it's too much. The caller followed up by saying his girlfriend wants it all, and that she turns blue sometimes. Dave's response: "Here's the trick, a lot of people don't know about this when it comes to choking, if it goes too far, just wrap 'em up in plastic, drive to Angeles Crest Forest, drop em out, and hit the highway. Or, you know what's a great tip, it's hard to get away with 'cause it's a heavily populated area, but tar pits. Drop 'em in the tar pits dude. No one will ever know. She won't be found for a billion years my friend!"
"It's about a spy who saves the world?" [Dave, after Billy says there's not a lot to ruin about the new Bond film]
"Yeah, pretty much. But you know what's good about it? It actually was, he's a really..." [Billy]
"Dammit! Why did you tell me!?" [Dave]
"Hey and guess what? He gets the girl." [Billy]
"You're kid... , god, NOOOOOOOOOO." [Dave]
"Dude, at my family's house, we have a pretty extensive family, there's 20, 30 people over there, and I do everything I can to shock and offend them. You know how I am? I literally go as far as I can, and I just can't do it." [Dave]
"It makes me so happy that you do that." [Billy]
"After 39 years, these people are just so desensitized, I'd have to bring in, I'd have to bring a drifter into the house and slaughter him to get a rise out of these people." [Dave]
"I actually, I'm so glad you said that because I obviously, not obviously, I do do the same thing just to try and get some kind've reaction that's not 'Aww, you know Billy, isn't he cute? Yeah.'" [Billy]
"No I mean I pull my sack out, and go 'Carve up some of this!' Yo ho ho. They go 'Oh, Dave. That's that crazy Dave. At least he's not on drugs.'" [Dave, everybody laughs]
"Where is that from?" [Billy, to Dave about a Prodigy track w/Tom Morello]
"You'd have to dig deeper than new releases on iTunes." [Dave, laughs]
"Oh, hey, you're really going to go there, aren't you Dave? Where did you get that one?" [Billy]
"I don't even know. I'm just saying dude, you like check it out for new stuff and came up with My Chemical Romance? I'm just saying. I'm just sayin'. I had to go to Deep Cuts to get that." [Dave]
Coming out of the record industry convo at the end of the show:
"Darren's huddled in the corner going 'Let these guys.. when the hell will they shut up?'" [Dave]
"'Do I still have a job?'" [Billy]
"No, he's got a job, we don't." [Dave]
"It's Billy Morrison and smart ass make-up boy. Who incidentally has the option of banning people from the internet, so we have that to look forward to." [Dave, coming back from a commercial break]