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Revolver - September/October 2001
Dave Navarro's Favorite Sh#t

Dave Navarro is the perfect post-millennial rock star: looks by Stan, plus a resume that includes both heroin addiction and Jane's Addiction. The Chili Peppers? It's cool - we've all taken money gigs. And, of course, there's Navarro's solo debut, Trust No One. Years in the making, the album is a tormented jaunt through its creator's dark, whacked-out psyche. Wear a helmet, and beware of the sonic shrapnel.

This summer, Dave will return to his roots and hit the road with Jane's before embarking on a solo tour. Busier than ever, he was kind enough to take a few moments out to share some of his favorite things with Revolver.

> TIMEPIECE - "Cuckoo clocks. Becasuse in the cartoon world, they're a symbol of insanity."

> GUN - "A Benell 12-gauge shotgon - it's the most menacing in appearance. Since I hope to never have to fire one, I will at least choose to enjoy the one that looks the fiercest."

> FRONTMAN - "Perry Farrell, I just think he's the most captivating, dynamic entertainer I've ever seen. Plus, I've got to go on tour with the guy. I wouldn't mind if he got an advance copy of this."

> GUITAR - "I don't feel passionate about guitars. The favorite one in my possession used to belong to Kurt Cobain, and I like it simply because it used to belong to him."

> BEATLE - John Lennon

> LOVE SONG - "'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,' it's a poem by T.S. Ellot."

> CAR - "Shelby Mustang GT500. When I was a kid, seeing my favortie Mustang body shape with those two flashy stripes over the hood was like the 'Twisted Two' flavors from Ben & Jerry's."

> AUTHOR - "J.D. Salinger, simply because I can get through those stories in one sitting."

> TEEN SEX COMEDY - "that's like asking me what my favorite cut of red meat is. I don't like any of it."

> CITY IN WHICH TO PLAY LIVE - "Los Angeles, because I can get home fast."

> CONDOM - "I use Trojans, but I leave Magnums on the coffee table."

> SUPERHERO - "Batman. His parents were murdered and he became in touch with his darkness as a result of it."

> BREAKUP LINE - "As long as it's coming from me and not in the other direction, it's my favorite."

> GUILTY PLEASURE - "I don't feel guilty about much."

> DRINK - "Pepsi One. It's the tastiest of the diet soft drinks."

> ADDICTION - "Active? Co-dependency. Say no more."

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